As you would expect with a market research company, here at Aspect Market Research we are involved in carrying out a lot of research on behalf of our clients. This can come in many forms depending on the specific requirements, the data we are working with and not forgetting the source from where that data originated. However, one thing we do come across all too often, which many of you may not even think about when looking at survey results or reviewing past research studies, is misinterpreting data. This can depend on who is looking at the data, what preconceived idea they may already have and what they may actually want to find.
Misinterpretation is a common problem when using statistical information as each day we are bombarded by numbers in the media. Many of the facts and figures quoted in the news, such as unemployment and divorce rates can be very misleading. So, it is interesting to analyse how newspapers from different regions can put a different spin on the same facts.
The BBC news site covered an article on spurious correlations linking margarine to divorce! You can view the full article here. One of the examples they gave is that in summer, ice cream sales and murder rates rise. The two are correlated, but it’s easy to see that neither causes the other. Perhaps there’s a third variable – like hot weather – that causes both?
One of the golden rules of statistics is that correlation does not equal causation. Just because the movements of two variables track each other closely over time doesn’t mean that one causes the other.
If you are doing market research or analysing customer feedback, it is worth looking for alternate ways of interpreting the information. Also, don’t be afraid to follow up on important data points.
Alternatively, get in touch with us here at Aspect Market Research. We work with a number of clients to compile research on their behalf and to analyse the results. Contact us to see how we can help you and your business or call 0161 831 7171.
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