This category includes all posts around customers such as customer loyalty, customer service, etc. We talk about how to understand your customers and keep them happy. Do you know what makes your customers tick, what they expect from your product, or how happy they are with your services? How do you ensure your customers keep coming back?

5 ways to improve customer loyalty

In this day and age, customer loyalty isn’t what it used to be. That isn’t to say that customers are necessarily more fickle. There is just so much more choice than before – especially as modern communications mean businesses no longer have to be on customers’ doorsteps to be able to service them. Top this with the sheer number of

What makes your customers tick?

There are many factors that influence consumer behaviour. They are swayed by family & friends, their social and societal environment as well as cultural trends.  Ultimately, these factors work on deep-seated emotional needs – what the psychologist Maslow described as the need for self-esteem. Companies spend billions of dollars annually studying what makes consumers `tick’. Although you might not like

Why do people buy?

There are a myriad of factors that influence buying decisions. Understanding why people buy is crucial for business's success. From timing to price, a need to fear. Several elements are involved at any one time – making selling a notoriously difficult occupation. On occasion, it is possible to strike it lucky; hitting the nail on the head by being in

Top 10 Benefits of Market Research

We are finally entering spring and you might be thinking that now is a good time to start a fresh new sales campaign, to reignite some past relationships, dust off existing ones and you never know, you may even find some brand spanking new ones along the way! Surely now, you have been in business for a while and know

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